Structural period

Structural |
the crossed line|

‘A stroke of the pencil and there is a line; the point under tension gives the line. The active form is a doing. It moves, it is not a still being, but action’ Klee


The Structure is first and foremost the basis for any type of mental, physical, sign construction. 

However, there is always a ‘sensitive’ and ‘free’ quid that pushes towards something other than itself and that seeks spaces that are ‘not known or perceived’ through diagonals which emerge from the basic primary construction of the work itself.


A small number of pieces from this period is still available to purchase directly from the artist. Please enquire within to discuss your preferences and needs.

Other works |
Ink drawings |

During the structural period, Fernanda Fedi worked with many different artwork formats, techniques and materials.



A small number of pieces from this period is still available to purchase directly from the artist. Please enquire within to discuss your preferences and needs.

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